High Impact Teams

Building high-performing teams for collective success

Our suite of Team Solutions allows us to partner with you to determine the most suitable assessments and to map out the optimal high performing team learning journey to maximise impact and achieve the best outcome for your teams. 

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Unlock the true potential of your team and empower them to achieve remarkable results

Analyse, understand and grow. With our data-driven approach, you can identify team strengths and opportunities for improvement - creating a roadmap for building a cohesive, high-performing team that drives success.


Identify team strengths & areas for improvement

Build a shared understanding of your team’s diverse strengths and capabilities as well as improvement opportunities and collective gaps.


Clarify team purpose

Build a clear understanding of the team’s overarching, common purpose and goals to build cohesion and co-operation.


Build trust and psychological safety

Create a team environment that fosters open communication, constructive debate, and proactive contribution across the team.


Maximize team performance

Empower your team to achieve remarkable results through targeted development initiatives and improved communication.


Empower your team leader

Provide insights and support to help your team leader effectively guide and motivate the team.

Team Insight solutions

Building a high-performing team is easier than you think

We partner with you to identify the best fit solution aligned to your teams distinct needs and goals.

Team Style and Preferences

Facilitated discussion and comparison of the preferences across a team raises awareness of individual differences and the value of diversity, supporting more effective communication and ways of working.

  • Personality & Leadership Style: Leadership Insight
  • Business Acumen & Commercial Orientation: Business Mindset
  • Thinking Preference: Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument

Team Effectiveness and Capability

Individual and team style are frequently the key focus of team development interventions. However, equally critical is how effectively the team aligns to High Performing Team factors and their ability to respond cohesively to challenges, problems, and opportunities.

  • High Performing Team Diagnostic: Team Insight
  • Immersive, Experiential Team Learning

Capability 360 Surveys

360 feedback supports constructive discussion, builds an understanding of differences between intention and impact, and directs team learning and development for greatest impact.

  • Strategic and Visionary Thinking
  • Commercial Acumen
  • Change Agility
  • Collaboration
  • Inspiring and Motivating Others

How it works

Integrated insights that drive mindset shift and behaviour change

Our suite of Team Solutions allows us to partner with you to determine the most suitable assessments and to map out the optimal high performing team learning journey to maximise impact and achieve the best outcome for your teams.

Step #1

Our team works closely with you to understand your unique requirements and where your team is at in their Team journey.

Step #2

Our consultants and psychologists recommend the solutions that best fit your Team’s current needs and challenges.

Step #3

We map out a development journey for your team, combining and aligning our insights and solutions with recommendations for your internal ways of working and team engagement.

Step #4

We partner with you to deliver high-impact team insights, solutions, and learning to build awareness, understanding, and cohesion.

“While individual talent is important, it's the collective strength of your teams that drives your organisation to success”.

Ready to unlock the true potential of your team?